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Friday, May 25, 2018

Cheers | Frozen Negroni.

First, to all of you who've left comments on recent posts and haven't heard back from me - I apologize! Apparently, Blogger has stopped notifying me about comments. and ugh, I'm not sure how to fix this. Please know I appreciate all of you and I hope to get back to personal replies soon.

And now on to today's topic. In honor of the first weekend of summer, I have a frozen cocktail to share!

I started researching summer cocktails a few weeks ago and quickly found one to try first - my favorite Negroni, blended with fresh juice and crushed ice.

The first time through, I followed the recipe as written, including squeezing blood oranges and chilling the liquids prior to blending. It worked beautifully.

The second time through, I didn't have any more blood oranges, so I substituted ruby red grapefruit juice (not even fresh-squeezed) and didn't wait to chill. It worked beautifully. And for my taste, I actually liked the grapefruit better than the orange.

Frozen Negroni - makes 2 drinks
(inspired by Kitchn)

1 oz gin
1 oz Campari
1 oz red vermouth
3 oz ruby red grapefruit juice
1-1/2 cups coarsely crushed ice

Put the ice in the blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth.


and have a wonderful long weekend. I'll see you back here Tuesday!



Blogger AsKatKnits said...

Oooo! Yum! And, just in time for Negroni Week! Have a great weekend! XO

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger Juliann in WA said...

The grapefruit version sounds great!

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger margene said...

This is a cocktail I can make and I would love (Smith, too!). Thank you.

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger Vicki Knitorious said...

Mmmmm. Cold & refreshing!! Happy Weekend, Mary!

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger Bonny said...

Stupid Blogger has disrupted my morning (but thanks for letting me know!), but I'm thinking a nice Frozen Negroni might help this afternoon. I'll probably think of it as a Negroni Slushie but I'm going to give it a try. Thanks! :-)

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger Vera said...

YUM!!!!! Thank you for this recipe. Sounds wonderful!

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Anonymous Patty said...

Cheers! I'll be grabbing the Campari tonight! Have a wonderful weekend Mary!

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger Honoré said...

Looks good. I'd have to have the one made with oranges 'cause I can't have, have one for me!

Friday, 25 May, 2018  
Blogger Penny said...

It does look good! And a pretty color, too! Maybe I can summon the cocktail fairy this weekend and give it a try. : )

Saturday, 26 May, 2018  
Blogger Lydia said...

Now that looks yummy! It's certainly getting hot enough to call for something frozen.

Saturday, 26 May, 2018  
Blogger Carole said...

It looks like summer in a glass!

Sunday, 27 May, 2018  

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