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Monday, April 9, 2018

Sometimes Mondays.

... begin unexpectedly damp, gray and chilly. But this afternoon I spent two lovely hours knitting with friends, and made a quick stop at Trader Joe's for a $4 bouquet and a $5 bottle of wine (with a beautiful spring label). There is nothing like time with friends and a little TJ's to brighten things up 😀.

Hope your week is off to a bright start, too!



Blogger Lorette said...

Wine and flowers will cheer you up every time! And knitting with friends is the best.

Monday, 09 April, 2018  
Blogger Sara said...

they don't sell wine at the trader joe's stores in nyc and i just learned that this weekend and it made me very sad

Monday, 09 April, 2018  
Blogger Bonny said...

I had too many time-wasting phone calls today, in addition to scrubbing the kitchen floor and a broken sewing machine, so I'm going to give your wine and flowers idea a try and see if they improve my outlook; I'm betting they will!

Monday, 09 April, 2018  
Blogger Kym said...

That is a lovely wine label! How is the wine? A $5 bottle sounds like a great deal to me. . . :-)

Monday, 09 April, 2018  
Blogger Vera said...

Wow! A pinot for $5??? How was it? The flowers and the wine look so lovely. Wishing our Trader Joe's in PA would sell wine....

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Blogger AsKatKnits said...

I so wish our TJ's could sell wine! But, that is the perfect ending to a meh day!

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Blogger Vicki Knitorious said...

I so wish we had a TJ's close by! What a lovely little bouquet -- so cheery!

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Blogger margene said...

Yesterday I bought daisies for a fresh bouquet and opened a lovely white wine. Now if it would just warm up enough I would love to be on the patio!

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Blogger Penny said...

So far I haven't been tempted to drive up the interstate to get to our only Trader Joe's -- but if they sold pretty bottles of wine like your's I just might be tempted to brave the drive. : )

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Anonymous Patty said...

We've no TJ's nearby either but...I did go to a local restaurant named TJ's last evening with some very old friends I hadn't seen in years...a pretty good way to start off the week! (Dan misses his TJ terribly in CO)

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Blogger Carole said...

What a pretty photo! A lovely way to end your day, no doubt.

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018  
Blogger karen said...

knitting with friends is the best thing ever :)

Wednesday, 11 April, 2018  
Blogger Honoré said...

You are so right! The best way to begin a week! Wine for $5! Gotta check out my TJ's...

Wednesday, 11 April, 2018  
Blogger Lydia said...

Oh yes indeed! Love the label.

Saturday, 28 April, 2018  

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